- Ooomph(n.) To give something punch or gusto; personal charm or appeal
The special effects added oomph to the band’s performance
- Popple(n.) Rough and choppy waters, typically referring to seafaring conditions
The water began to popple as the wind picked up on the bay.
- Sked(n.) Schedule
We need to check the sked to see when the next train arrives.
- Syzygy(n.) When three celestial bodies are almost aligned in a straight line
Next month, the Earth, moon, and sun will be in syzygy, creating a total solar eclipse
- Ragtag(adj.) Untidy, disorganized, or varied in character
The militia was made up of a ragtag group pulled from the surrounding communities
- Unked(adj.) Strange, weird, ghastly
The old, unked manor had an eerie atmosphere that seemed cloistered in time
- Verklempt(adj.) Seized with overwhelming emotion
She became verklempt with emotion upon receiving the unexpected and thoughtful gift.
- Whiffler(n.)A person who dodges arguments through evasion; changes course often
The political rally featured a charismatic whiffler, skillfully managing the crowd to maintain their energy and enthusiasm for the candidate.
- Xeric(adj.) Needing only minimal moisture
Cacti is a xeric plant that’s well-adapted to arid environments and periods of drought.
- Zonk(v.) To stun or strike; pass out
After working the graveyard shift for the first time, he felt completely zonked and decided to take a power nap.
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